A selection of work from our 2023 Exhibition 'Still Life to Save Lives' at the Pannett Art Gallery
Welcome to Whitby Art Society
5 February 2025 - website updated
Whitby Art Society is one of the oldest and largest Art Societies in Yorkshire. Our membership includes professional and amateur artists and craftspeople and others who are interested in all forms of art and enjoy coming to our meetings.
We meet on the second Wednesday of the month at 7.00pm at The Coliseum Centre, Whitby. We have demonstrations of art forms and occasional illustrated talks, usually projected onto the giant screen in the Coliseum’s theatre. We try to embrace all the arts and crafts in our syllabuses and over the years we have welcomed professional painters, ceramic artists, sculptors, glassmakers, jewellers, woodworkers, textile workers and a blacksmith.
We always have a tea and coffee break which gives us the opportunity to meet the guest artist, perhaps look more closely at their work and be inspired by what they create.
Through the Society anyone may access tutoring and support from local professional artists at classes held throughout most of the year at Aislaby Village Hall. We exhibit annually at the Pannett Art Gallery and over the years we have held special exhibitions to raise funds for charities such as the Great North Air Ambulance Service and the RNLI.
If you would like to find out more about us you can come along to a meeting as a visitor at a charge of £4.00. The membership fee is £25 and includes 11 meetings (no meeting in December) and gives you the opportunity to show your work at our Annual Exhibition.
We hope that you find our lively website informative, it has up-to-date news and you can also see a selection of the work produced by our members.